Natalie Smith

Home Country Australia

One year ago I questioned the role of the designer. I questioned that designers could do MORE than simply create functional, evocative, aesthetically pleasing spaces, objects and imagery; the belief that designers, through their skill, intellect and creativity have the ability to contribute MORE to the world then to simply fulfil a corporate client brief.
Secondly I questioned the notion of ‘sustainability.’ Sustainability has become such a buzz word which through its fame has lost all meaning. Is the role of a ‘sustainable’ interior designer to simply choose environmentally responsible products and materials or can it mean MORE?
Throughout this past year I have discovered that these are not questions I am asking alone.
I have learnt that the designer does have the ability to do MORE, to create spaces that improve well-being and quality of lives; the ability to link these spaces with the surrounding infrastructure, social groups and contexts; the ability through partnerships to create a new system which enriches the current way of life and creates a pavement towards change and true sustainability.
To do MORE the designer must step out of their traditional respondent role and look for where they can make a difference. As this new form of sustainability has only just been conceived the designer must take a somewhat active role if they are to improve the quality of lives. As education, interest and realisation of these types of projects increase it is envisioned that the designer who contributes MORE will become main stream; however, until that stage, there is an exciting, explorative and opportunistic path ahead for the designer who believes they can do MORE than their discipline currently demands of them.