Kelly Krause

Home Country United States of America 


Everyone loves a good hoax. Steeped in satire, a hoax is more nuanced than a joke, less blunt than a lie, and not as sinister as fraud. A timely example is actor Joaquin Phoenix's recent stunt, pretending for almost two years to descend into madness (as an aspiring rapper), so he could make a point about celebrity. Such is the treachery and good fun of the hoax.

As such, it has always bothered me when people claim global warming to be a hoax. The use of the word ‘hoax’ in this instance is misleading: as if scientists are giddy with enjoyment at their plot to terrify us with dire predictions. But I suppose it is easier to sell the idea of a scientific 'hoax' than to confront the reality of the charge: that scientists are uniformly lying about the future of the earth's climate and ultimately human survival. Unfortunately there is no global warming conspiracy—it is real. I previously worked as the head creative for the highly respected journal Science, where much groundbreaking research was published on the subject. I learned there that climate change is definitely happening but can be dealt with if we make some fundamental changes. But people must be convinced to act, which is why I’m looking into ways to communicate sustainability to non-scientists (the rest of us!) through design. 

My major project focuses on how we can use mass media for positive behaviour change in more subtle, implicit ways. For more information please see the 'One on One' section (column on the top right).  – Kelly Buckheit Krause